The Sustainable Development Challenge 2025
co-presented by
Beem Credit Union and Holar Developments
in partnership with
Global Citizen Events and Impact Toolbox
We invite you (and your team) to tackle issues related to the 17 United Nations’ Global Goals. With guidance and support from partners and mentors, you will develop your idea into a meaningful, sustainable and feasible project to present to your community. Top teams receive funding and support to make their ideas a reality.
Youth, mentors, judges and the community gathered on February 22 2024 for the Sustainable Development Challenge Finale in Kelowna. 6 student teams presented their pitches for community and international projects to address the Global Goals and make their world a better place. Hundreds attended the Arts for Social Change exhibition of student artwork, and enjoyed original dance performances by young people to express their support for global change. Thank you to the sponsors, especially Interior Savings, and the large group of volunteers that make this event happen every year. For details, check
Bins for Humanity plans to use their Interior Savings investment to put clothing donation bins throughout Kelowna in easy to access places. Congratulations!
Congratulations to the Winners of the 2023 Challenge!
Willowstone Academy’s Project Mini Forests!
They received $5,000 towards their project. $12,000 was awarded through the event. $10,000 to support all 6 teams to implement their projects. $2,000 to Arts for Social Change contributors to donate to charities who align with the Global Goals their art pieces were highlighting.
A platform for Okanagan youth to engage in and impact the 17 United Nations Global Goals.
The Sustainable Development Challenge is a platform for Okanagan youth to engage in and impact the 17 United Nations’ Global Goals. Our Challenge now has three ways for youth to have a voice in the issues they care about.
What’s Your # ? Project and Pitch
Plan B Video — Big Ideas in 60 Seconds!
Arts for Social Change
Find out more on our website
2022 Teams: Congratulations to Thrifty Thursdays for their winning project in the 2022 Challenge Project and Pitch category. Thanks to our generous donors, they shared in the $9000 of funding given to make student sustainable projects a reality. Read all about the winners here.
Our Voice for Change OKM Composting and Zed Ed Podcast welcome your support!
Check out their Instagram pages!
First Place: Education4Her
Second Place: Garden of Knowledge
Third Place: Hands 4 Homeless